Monday, June 14, 2010


Hi. My name is Allison and I am finally, at the age of 30, figuring out how to care for my skin. Unfortunately, there is no user's manual for one's skin and with the plethora of products out there it is far too easy to end up in a conundrum over what to do. I have battled various skin issues for as long as I can remember: skin rashes that were never diagnosed, what I have determined is/was keratosis pilaris, eczema, sebborheic dermatitis, cystic acne, and just plain sensitive, reactive skin. I have itched, swelled, and oozed. I have been miserable in my own body and cried at the thought of going out in public because of the state of my face.

Several months ago my skin reached a point that was just plain ridiculous. Between itching from the eczema and sebborhea and pain from huge cystic acne welts, I was ready to become cave-dwelling hermit or light myself on fire. Years of dermatologist visits had failed. No one had a legitimate answer or a permanent solution for me. Oral antibiotics gave me only fleeting relief and topicals only caused more irritation. I can't count the number of doctors who have just looked at my skin, shrugged, and declared that "it's just some sort of allergic rash." The sebborheic dermatitis started in elementary or middle school. The acne started in college. The eczema joined the party after the birth of my second son in 2008.

So I guess the whole point of this blog, the goal maybe, is to tell my story in case it helps to shed light on a problem shared by others. To show that there are other options out there and maybe spread a little hope. Assuming that I ever have any readers... ; )

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