Thursday, August 5, 2010

Why is this so hard?!

I did it again.  I fell off the dairy-free wagon and hit a few slices of pizza and some string cheese.  At first I thought I'd gotten away with it.  Started thinking maybe I was wrong about the allergy.  And then the eczema flared.  I have 2 huge lumpy, blistery patches on my cheeks and scaly patches forming on my neck and forehead.  This no dairy thing is just so difficult!  It's so hard to watch everyone around me enjoying mac'n'cheese or chips and dip and know that I can't have it.  There are some things I can get substitutes for and be just fine but cheese is cheese.  The cheese substitutes do nothing but remind me how much I miss cheese.  ((sigh))  I really need a support group!

As for clearing up the eczema, I'm going extra gentle on my face.  Probably time to pull out the oat powder to ease the inflammation.  I also have a facial scheduled on Saturday to get some relief.  It's with the same aesthetician who was so wonderful last time and helped so greatly.  I'm really hoping she is able to ease the redness.  At least people aren't bold enough to point out how awful I'm looking and just stick to commenting when I look better.

As for my pet project, diminishing my spider veins, I have ordered 2 products, which could be here as soon as tomorrow, and I will be posting progress reports with pictures.  I will apply the products side by side on the same set of spider veins to get a good feel for which one is more effective.  I found a few new spots on my legs last night so I am mighty anxious to get this going!

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