Friday, March 6, 2015

Picky, Picky

Well, I have discovered/ finally had to face facts that there is one skin issue that no product can fix.  I'm a picker.  Even when there really isn't anything there to pick at, I do.  I finally realized that the continued problems I've been having along my jawline are the result of me picking.  I feel like I need a 12-step program.  :)  Hi, my name is Allison and I pick at my skin.  That's why pimples and things take longer to go away and why I get red spots that last for months.  No cleanser or cream will fix the damage I cause.

So, the question becomes "How do I break the picking habit?"  I'm still working on that and I'm open to ideas, but I have come up with one way to help.  Acrylic nails.  Or, as I like to call them, fingernail mittens. It may seem odd but this is a suggestion that I got from the friend who clued me in to my original eczema years back.  Fake nails are thicker and blunter than real nails.  You are less likely to break skin with fake nails and it makes picking much more difficult.  They have definitely helped my face!  The areas that just wouldn't clear up are starting to heal now.  Have I stopped picking all together?  Of course not.  It's not that simple.  But I'm working on it.  And my nails look great, too!

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